Färdigheter som förmedlas av de bästa.
Varmrökning. Kallrökning. Tajming och smakval. Bara några tips och tricks som andra proffs har delat med sig för att hjälpa dig att gå med i klubben som ett medrökare. Testa dem alla och se hur dina rökfärdigheter förbättras.
Artiklar - Tips & tricks

How to Smoke the Juiciest Pork Belly
Only a few can deny the ultimate deliciousness of a pork belly. It can be of the juiciest and most tender cut out there when cooked right.
How to Smoke the Juiciest Pork Belly
Only a few can deny the ultimate deliciousness of a pork belly. It can be of the juiciest and most tender cut out there when cooked right.

How To Choose The Best Wood For Smoking Cheese ...
Who doesn’t love cheese? This dairy product is aromatic and delicious, and it perfectly complements many dishes with its creamy taste. However, there’s a way to enhance its flavors even...
How To Choose The Best Wood For Smoking Cheese ...
Who doesn’t love cheese? This dairy product is aromatic and delicious, and it perfectly complements many dishes with its creamy taste. However, there’s a way to enhance its flavors even...

Food Smoking or Grilling?
This can be confusing for beginners because it all seems similar yet there is a world of differences. Food smoking is one of the ancient methods of cooking.
Food Smoking or Grilling?
This can be confusing for beginners because it all seems similar yet there is a world of differences. Food smoking is one of the ancient methods of cooking.

How to Smoke Porterhouse and T-Bone Steaks
r porterhouse or T-bone steak? There are various cooking methods for porterhouse or T-bone steak, including smoking.
How to Smoke Porterhouse and T-Bone Steaks
r porterhouse or T-bone steak? There are various cooking methods for porterhouse or T-bone steak, including smoking.

How To Smoke Your Meats In Red Wine
Since time immemorial, smoking has been one of the best ways to cook food. It's a traditionally tried, tested, and proven way to preserve, add flavor and cook your meat.
How To Smoke Your Meats In Red Wine
Since time immemorial, smoking has been one of the best ways to cook food. It's a traditionally tried, tested, and proven way to preserve, add flavor and cook your meat.

How to Smoke a Delicious Salmon Wellington
Cooking is an art that takes time to perfect. For most people, smoking their meat poses a challenge they tend to shy away from.
How to Smoke a Delicious Salmon Wellington
Cooking is an art that takes time to perfect. For most people, smoking their meat poses a challenge they tend to shy away from.

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